Extra Credit 4

Each person who picks out one thing that changes as this wheel moves will get extra credit. You may only pick out one thing and it cannot be picked more than once. We will discuss this phenomenon later. It has to do with light.

I captured this video in Mizzou's physics building. I want to put one in our science display case.


  1. The colors of the two bottles on the left.

  2. the wheel thing just right of the top center changes. the diameter of the black circle of the wheel thing just mentioned changes.

  3. For those of you that have already seen the clip, I have uploaded a High Def version to U-Tube. Now you can see more details. Just adjust your setting to 1080p.

  4. The square frame by the center of the circle changes from stripes to solid design.

  5. The Two Circles to the Right of the Hook Change Between Lighter Regions and Shaded Regions.

  6. The bell-shaped upside-down glass bowl on the left top shelf changes from clear to black.

  7. Top shelf, center right a bit, the black and white colored wheel spins and changes from black to white, rotates cock wise, the black part changes from gray back to black, gray when the black is horizontal,.and back to black when vertical.

  8. Got the extra credit into the book.
