25 April

Today we talked about refraction of light through transparent objects.
Key things to note.
  • As light move from less dense materials to denser materials the speed of the photon actually slows down. As it moves back out into the less dense material it speeds up again.
  • When light is incident on a transparent object perpendicular to the surface of the object there is no refraction.
  • As light moves from less dense to more dense, the ray bends towards the normal. From more to less it will bend away from the normal.
  • Each color (wave length/ frequency) refracts differently. blue the most and red the least.
  • Snell's law:
  • n= index of refraction, the ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum and the speed of light in the transparent object.
Homework is Pg. 587 #10-14

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