Here is the link to moodle.

Password to "enrol" into Tompkins Physics is: CHSPhysics

Lesson 5: Friction

There are four videos here. I know it is close to 40 min of watching. I will let the last video be optional, but it will be helpful for your work. It is an example problem.

New videos

I will be getting some new videos on here tomorrow. Also, look out for a link to our new Moodle site. It will organize the vids and homework better than the blog.

Newton's Second Law Lesson

Have this watched by Monday 7 November 2011

Objective: Predict the direction and magnitude of the acceleration caused by a known net external force.

Your Responsibility:

  • Notes over the videos
  • Example problems from both videos

Newton's Second Law Explained.

Mass and Weight Clarification

Newton's First Law Lesson

Watch these 3 videos before class on Friday 4 November 2011.

Your Responsibility:

  • Notes over 1st video
  • Notes over 2nd video. i.e. the diagram of a block on an incline
  • Example problem of the ice block on the 3rd video.

This video does get into Newton's Second law around 9:00. Follow along and you will get additional practice on it.