Extra Credit 1

Watch the Mythbuster video below and post your thoughts on this topic. I will give you until class on Wednesday, 21 September to post. We will be using vectors with relative motion to describe this phenomenon.

(You must include your name to get credit.)


  1. hey mr.t thanks for sharing that i think that that really was a cool experiment it made me wonder how this is ossible and why this happens it makes me want to walk in the rain and laugh at the eople running in the rain -marvin scherff #360

  2. Racheal Thompson
    Block 3

    I was surprised to see that the result of the weight was heavier to run than to walk. In a way it makes sense, if the water bounces off the clothing when running.

  3. Ello,

    I found this video rather interesting. I've never been one to run in the rain because it's very easy to slip and fall and also, as this video explained, it exposes your face and front side to more rain. And apparently, this extra exposure can make the difference between getting a few droplets on your jacket and getting completely soaked.

    So, about that extra credit... :)

    -Jacob Sewell 363

  4. I found it fairly interesting that running in the rain caught more water than walking, I will be sure to walk next time it's pouring

    - Nik Racz

  5. Dutch Ledford 5th Block

    I thought that if you ran than the speed would not cause you to be as wet but after watching the video I see that if you run in the rain it can hit more surface area.

  6. I've heard before that its better to walk than run, but its interesting to see an experiment that proves it.
    -Matthew Gibson, 3rd block
