28 September 2011

Today we conducted another lab. The focus was to look at how velocity changes over a given period of time while a cart rolled down a track. You homework was to finish the lab worksheet

Monday 26 September 2011

Today we talked about Speed and Velocity. We also conducted a lab to strengthen the distance/displacement and velocity relationship.

Your homework was: Pg 44 #1-3, 6 and the Lab worksheets. These are both due on Wednesday.

21 September 2011

Today we discussed distance and displacement. We also conducted a Battery Car lab were we measured the position of the battery car and graphed it on a Position Vs. Time graph. We ended the class showing how the faster the object the steeper the slope of it Position Vs. Time graph.

The homework was to finish the lab worksheet and turn it in on Monday.


Monday, 19 September 2011

There was a sub today. You did a team teaching task over pages 10-14, 20-23, and 40-47 in your physics textbook. 

Your Homework:  
  • Pg. 47 #1, 3
  • Pg. 69 #2, 4, 5ab

Vector Worksheet Answers

 Here is the key to the Vector Homework. As I completed this I realized that some of it was going to be difficult for you. If you stick with the vector addition principal on most of them you willbe correct.

Extra Credit 1

Watch the Mythbuster video below and post your thoughts on this topic. I will give you until class on Wednesday, 21 September to post. We will be using vectors with relative motion to describe this phenomenon.

(You must include your name to get credit.)

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Well this is the first blog entry for the year. Today we did a brief introduction to Vectors. 5th block went much smoother than 3rd. I owe 3rd a better explanation; I will complete that on Friday. I will also be posting our notes on this blog at a later time. I am glad to be back, and I appreciate your enthusiasm.