Here is the link to moodle.

Password to "enrol" into Tompkins Physics is: CHSPhysics

Lesson 5: Friction

There are four videos here. I know it is close to 40 min of watching. I will let the last video be optional, but it will be helpful for your work. It is an example problem.

New videos

I will be getting some new videos on here tomorrow. Also, look out for a link to our new Moodle site. It will organize the vids and homework better than the blog.

Newton's Second Law Lesson

Have this watched by Monday 7 November 2011

Objective: Predict the direction and magnitude of the acceleration caused by a known net external force.

Your Responsibility:

  • Notes over the videos
  • Example problems from both videos

Newton's Second Law Explained.

Mass and Weight Clarification

Newton's First Law Lesson

Watch these 3 videos before class on Friday 4 November 2011.

Your Responsibility:

  • Notes over 1st video
  • Notes over 2nd video. i.e. the diagram of a block on an incline
  • Example problem of the ice block on the 3rd video.

This video does get into Newton's Second law around 9:00. Follow along and you will get additional practice on it.

Forces Video

Please watch and bring in your work on Wednesday. Be ready to work on the Free Body Diagram Activity.