Forces Video

Please watch and bring in your work on Wednesday. Be ready to work on the Free Body Diagram Activity.

6 October 2011

This Wednesday we did a lot of example problems in class. I understand that it was boring for most individuals, but I expect and require you to participate in class. I don't work problems for my benefit; I know how to solve them. The class period was for your benefit to help with the 4 new Kinematic equations that were given in class.

*Note: d should be Delta X

Homework:                       Pg. 53 #3,4
                                          Pg. 55 #3
                                          Pg. 58 #4,5

3 October 2011

This Monday we talked about acceleration. I introduced the equation for average acceleration as

 We also talked about falling objects and the acceleration of gravity. We found the acceleration of gravity by completing a video analysis of two balls of different weights being dropped off a balcony.
         g=9.81 m/s/s down

30 September 2011

On this day we covered H-Bar conversions. Conversion are a necessary part of life: from recipes, to car speed, to gasoline. Another easy way to convert is using google. Just type in your current quantity and what you want to convert to and it will give you the answer.

10 mph to m/s ----->10 mph = 4.4704 meters / second

Another thing you can try is a free app for your smart phone. The one I use on my iPhone is Convert Units for Free.

PHET for great understanding

Use these website to help you understand 1 Dimensional Motion.

There are a lot of other cool simulations on the PHET websites check them out and post your favorite for extra credit.