30 March

We are having a Substitute today. Sorry for not being there; I have lost my voice and haven't been able to find it this morning. I have a great lesson planned for the next time that we meet.

28 March

Welcome back; I hope everyone has had  a great break. Today we discussed basic wave priciples and related the Tsunami that hit Japan (2011) and Indonsia (2004) to the usual understanding of waves. I have included my hand written notes below.
  • The homework was Pg. 457 2-4.

18 March

Your designs and research worksheets are due today. You will get your building materials today whether I approve your design or not, but you will lose points if you do not get my approval.

16 March

Today is another day of designing and researching. If you get your bridge design approved early you may start construction/ cutting today.

14 March

Today we start our individual design portion of the Bridge Building competition. I passed out the template, and you are required to create a bridge design to scale. These designs are required to be approved by me before Friday so that you can build your bridge over spring break.

Extra Credit 3

What is one thing in physics you would like to learn more about? Who knows we might go to it next.

11 March

We will be finishing up our presentations. If you do not go on this day you will not go at all. Do not forget.

9 March

A lot is due today. You must have your presentation completed today. If you do not have them and you are called on to present you will be docked points. NO EXCEPTIONS. You must have all information needed to convey your results. Your lab reports, library research, and interview are also due. I am pushing the due date for the poster to next Monday, 14 March. I have attached the rubric that I will grade from below. Make sure you follow it.

7 March

We will be working on our bridge projects. I will be writing passes to the library to get your book sources. The main goal is getting the Prezis done for your presentations on Wednesday. I will be strict on not having these complete, and I will dock points. You do not know if your group is presenting first or last. BE PREPARED.