4 March

Today will be another computer day. You will want to get everything typed up and ready to turn in.

2 March

Today we are experimenting. Make sure you bring your test pieces into class. You may store them in my room for the day; just bring them by in the morning. After your experiment you will have one week to finish the lab report.

28 February

Today we had a computer day. The lab reports, up to a data table skeleton, were due today. You are now required to build your test pieces for Wednesday.

25 February

GREAT NEWS!!!! We received our bridge building supplies, so we are going to start our bridge building poject. I have included a link to the MSPE bridge building website on this blog. Go and research. I will post the official rules as well as the in-class requirements to this post at a later date. Be prepared to create an experiment over some aspect of a wooden bridge design.

Extra Credit 2

Today we did our egg drop competition. If the height that you dropped your egg was 15.7 m, how fast was the egg moving when it hit the floor? What was the momentum of just the egg?  mass of an egg= 50.0 g. Post your answer by end of school on Thursday.

23 February

TEST!!!! Be there or be An equilateral parallelogram with 90 degree angles.

18 February

We will be grading the study guides today. Make sure you have at least attempted all problems. I will be checking and that can affect your study guide grade. Remember any blanks will result in a zero for the paper.

We will also update your foldables with the pertinent equations for the test.

Here is the key to the study guide. You now have all three days this weekend and Tuesday to study .

16 February

I will be answering questions on the numerous homeworks you should have completed. I will also be handing out study guides for you to complete before Friday, 18 Feb. This class will be mainly your work time and study time.

14 February

Happy Valentines Day. Today we held the Egg Drop Competition. I think it went well. I was hoping for a little more work from you all before class, but I think over all we had a good time. Remeber I will be docking points for a late entry. Get those to me before the end of this week.

Extra Credit One

If you want extra credit comment on this blog with your name and I will award you 10 points towards your homework grade. Hurry because the posting ends after school on 8 February.

11 February

Running the stairs today. Wear tennis shoes or you will be asked to run bare foot. Your homework: Pg. 189 3-5 & Running the stairs calculations.

Egg Drop Project

Our egg drop project starts on the 7th and ends on the 14th of February. We will hold our competition on the 14th. I will post rule to this blog.

7 February

Pg. 185 #4-5 & Pg. 195 #33-34

31 January

We conducted the Conservation of Energy Lab. The Lab worksheet is due on Wednesday 2 February.